

Rob Lemond's Ocean Swimming and Safety Camp in Malibu is the best camp for your kids to learn ocean skills and spend the summer in the water. At Rob's camp kids are encouraged to actively participate in all the activities in order to become safe and knowledgeable in the water in all types of conditions.

Activities include:
~ Ocean Swimming
~ Surfing
~ Body surfing
~ Body boarding
~ Sailing on the Hobie Cat
~ Kayaking
~ Waterskiing, wake-boarding, tubing and kneeboarding on the camp's boats.
~ And yes, we do "Boogie-skiing"...
~ Skin diving when conditions permit.
~ Marine study and tide pool visits
~ Volleyball


For those of us living in Los Angels and Southern California, the beach is one of our most popular recreational areas. With the ever increasing number of young teenagers and pre-teenage children frequenting the beaches, the need for a complete understanding of the ocean is imperative. Rob LeMond’s Ocean Safety Camp offers to your son or daughter an experience necessary to utilize the ocean safely. Throughout the day, time is spent explaining the various ocean conditions like wave size and direction, local currents and "rip tides", bottom contours and wind direction. All of these things will provide your child with a complete understanding of the ocean and with the skills needed to enjoy the fun stuff like surfing.


Ocean Safety Camp Camp is a 3 week course which meets 5 to 6 hours daily. Comprehensive ocean safety skills are stressed during the classes. There is adult supervision on the beach and lifeguard instructors to assist Rob LeMond in the many phases of the course. The class meets in the Malibu area at various beach locations.

For camp schedules, pricing, enrollment and additional information, please call Rob at (310) 456-7731